Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First week in Brussels

The first few days in Brussels have been great. Much more interesting than anticipated. I knew coming to Brussels would be a positive change, yet experienced with previous moves my expectations were veered towards the difficulties of a new unknown home, finding your way in a new mentality, with all street names sounding unfamiliar, all landmarks being of no reference point yet, having to ask about almost everything and scarcely being able to rely on intuition.
Brussels has turned out to be much less complicated in that sense. I still have plenty to discover, plenty to get wrong and plenty to be disillusioned about, but I can say with satisfaction, the first stage, which is behind me and which tends to pose most difficulty turned out to be fun and not difficult at all.
Brussels has so much of what I've missed for a very long time. Many deny it the status of a metropolis, stating it is obviously no NY or Paris, but I think it has all it needs to feel like a true great city. Public transport, boulevards, parks, cafes, boutiques, museums, gyms...I could go on, but from this list alone you already must realise I have lived deprived of basic urban civilisation and therefore understand am easily pleased.
Arriving here in spring has its advantages; the season in the north of Europe has a particular charm, everything has just turned vivid green from being grey for months, the plants are either in full bloom or about to, in both cases boasting the freshest of colours and offering the most tranquil of moods.

I did get sick though. I am still in awe of how unreasonably I behaved wearing flip-flops in Brussels in May... It seemed warmer. It was sunny and central heating is still on in the temporary accommodation we're staying at; I was under the impression that it really was warm enough. This feeling was reinforced by the fact that the preceding day I had seen so many people so 'over'dressed; there was plenty of wool scarves, jackets with fur collars, boots, thick tights. I was very surprised to see this because it seemed like full fledged autumn attire, where was everyone's spring closet? Not only were the colours all dark earth tones, focused mainly around black, but the fabrics were all heavy and thick. I was running late to a lunch date with my former classmates and as I underestimated the distance, was walking rather fast through the city centre. I wore a jacket but quickly got rid of it staying in a short sleeve t-shirt. I must have turned quite a few heads haha, but I was honestly too warm. In fact having gone jogging in the Cinquantenaire early that morning I had already then realised it was not cold at all. This one day experience of being too warm drove me to the conclusion that everyone here must be too stressed out to care about how they dress, insane or just very in love with their autumn clothing and made me all the more confident that I can dress much more spring appropriate. So I opted for bare legs and flip-flops; and here I am, second day in bed curing my cold. I still love the city though;)

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