Tuesday, July 14, 2009

rejoice and celebrate with Buzek and all Poles

[via europarl.europa.eu]

Jerzy Buzek just elected President of EP. YEY!
As I myself am just reading everything published in the last 40 min, excuse lack of comments, this time links only:
Gazeta Wyborcza
The New York Times
Europarl tv:

Opinions from some bloggers:
1. "The fact is that, by giving this post to Buzek, older and bigger member-states in western Europe are making sure that they will get all the really big jobs when they come up for grabs later this year." [from: ft.com/brusselsblog]

2. "But Jerzy Buzek is still the wrong choice, for three simple reasons:
* He is old.
* He is male.
* He has built his political career on national politics.
Party politics and power positions are dominated by old males. With Barroso in place for a second term on top of the European Commission, and with no women in sight for the post of European Council president and High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy (if the Lisbon Treaty is ratified), the post of the European Parliament president could have been the only one where MEPs could have made a point for equal opportunities and equal share of power. But they have missed their chance." [from: Julien Frisch Watching Europe]

3. "Sucede al alemán Hans-Gert Pöttering Cuando el card. Ratzinger fue elegido Papa, circulaba un chiste en Alemania: ¿sabes en qué se nota que Hartz IV (la reforma al mercado laboral) da resultado? En que un alemán reemplaza a un polaco en un trabajo. Hoy es al revés ;)" [from: Alemania: Economía, Sociedad y Derecho]

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